
How does Open Door support Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Other Migrants?


ODNE is committed to empowering refugees to reach their full potential and to support them to have meaningful, fulfilling lives in the UK. We support our clients with integration plans and activities that build around their unique experience and situation. We recognise that integration is a mix of acquiring language, community, employment, housing and many other factors. For some refugees, integration is fairly straightforward but for most it takes many years for them to recover and build stable lives in the UK. 

Asylum Support

Seeking asylum in the UK is complex, painful and often fraught with difficulties. We provide a range of services for people who are experiencing destitution or at risk of it, especially as a result of problems in the provision of Home Office asylum support and accommodation. We give specialised advice around the statutory support process, assistance with applying for different types of asylum support, advice on the asylum support tribunal appeals process, and help with maintaining and understanding eligibility for support.  We are able to ensure that immediate basic needs are met through access to food and small cash donations, as well as onward referral to partner organisations for additional forms of destitution support.

Benefits Advice

We understand the unique challenges faced by newly recognised refugees and are experienced in giving specialised advice around welfare and benefits, especially within the 28 day ‘grace-period’ before asylum support stops following a grant of status. This is a particularly vulnerable time for new refugees and intensive support is needed in order to avoid the risks of homelessness and destitution.  We can assist with applying for a wide range of benefits, setting up bank accounts and accessing housing and the labour market.

“You wiped away my tears, received me with open hearts and hands. You have given me hope, comfort, accommodation, bedding and food. You hardly knew me but you welcomed me without hesitation”.

(Pregnant woman experiencing destitution and homelessness)
